
Personal Year

PERSONAL YEAR: VIBRATIONS OF PARTICULAR YEAR Personal year is a twelve months cycle just like one calendar year. Starting from January to December. Personal year gives you snapshot of events most likely to happen or has happened in past. HOW TO CALCULATE PERSONAL YEAR? To calculate personal year, one needs to add date, month and particular year for which the forecast is needed. For example, if DOB of A is 12/03/2001 Then personal year number for 2021 will be calculated as 1+2+3+2+0+2+1=11=2 Now that you know your personal year, let’s see how each number brings in energies for the year. Personal year 1: . Ruled by Sun. A year of new beginnings, new initiatives, setting your goals and taking action. Personal year 2: . Ruled by Moon. A year to rejuvenate and focus on business and relationships with extra kindness. Personal year 3:. Ruled by Jupiter. A year to socialize, rekindle and be grateful to what you have. Personal year 4:. Ruled by Rahu. A year to lay strong foundations. A per


  LIFE PATH NUMBER: OUR LIFELONG PURPOSE In a previous article, I wrote about Moolank, our Birth Number.  Here we will see what our Bhagyank or Life Path Number is? The numbers in our life can be used as tools to help us better understand ourselves and navigate our lives with a greater sense of purpose.  “Life path numbers help us to understand the physical world and where we’re going in life,”  Once you know your life path number, it can be used to make sense of your path when you get distracted or discouraged.” Our Life Path  Number  represents our core essence, our lifelong purpose. To find your Life Path Number, simply reduce the digits of your full birth date until you reach a single-digit number, excluding 11 and 22, which are considered as Master Numbers—This number is your Life Path Number. Let’s say your birthday is December 11, 1980.   To calculate your Life Path Number, you will reduce each component of this date to a single digit: The month, 12, is reduced  1+2=3
Numbers play a very important role in our life. Without numbers, we cannot imagine life. From birth, we are under influence of numbers. Our birthdate is special which holds many secrets about us. So is our Moolank or Birth Number, the date we are born. Moolank is one of the important numbers which always reflects in our life. Moolank indicates our Nature, our inner soul and the power within us. In Numerology Moolank says, ” Yes, I am with you, always follow you”. To find your Moolank or Birth Number, take the date on which you were born. For example, if you are born on April 3, your Moolank or Birth Number is 3. If it is a double-digit, add it up and reduce it to a single digit. People born on date 1, 10, 19 or 28, has ‘1’ as Moolank. Same way born on dates 2, 11, 20 or 29, has ‘2’ as Moolank. Those born on dates 3, 12, 21 or 30, ‘3’ is Moolank. Those born on date 4, 13, 22 or 31, has ‘4’ as Moolank. Those born on dates 5, 14, 23, ‘5’ is Moolank. Born on dates 6, 15, 24, number ‘6’ is
                                Your Name Your Destiny Your name plays an important role in your life. It reveals much more information about you than you might actually know. Your name has the power to affect your destiny. Many of us do a lot of hard work but don’t get success, and face many hurdles and delays. If our birth number and other numbers are in harmony, it becomes easy to achieve our goals. We do not have control over our date of birth but if we change our Name Number in harmony to other numbers, life would become more better and successful. In fact, your name holds answers to many questions and it says a lot about you. So to see what your name has to say, one has to calculate his/her Name Number/Destiny number. Different renowned Numerologists like Pythagoras, Cheiro, etc have allotted different values to the alphabets, but the meaning is almost the same. Here we will see the Chaldean system, as is most prevalent and gives accurate results. Each alphabet is allotted a par

What Alphabets have to say?

  Your name reveals your personality and can reveal much more information about you than you might  actually think. In fact, your name has the power to affect your destiny. Every alphabet has got its own  meaning and a numerical value.  Check out what alphabets in your name has to say about you. A:. This letter denotes leadership qualities, strong willpower. A desire to climb up the ladder,  ambitious. B:. This letter denotes that one is moody, emotional. A good follower and cooperative person. C:. Shows intellectual abilities, are very energetic and active. D:. Shows tolerance and patience, a great attachment to material things. E:. Shows more energy and excitement, are effective in communication. F:. Sometimes stubborn, enjoy simple homely life, responsible. G:. A clever analyst, loves meditation and introspection. Intuitive. H:. A kind-hearted, but firm and balanced. I:. Shows psychic powers and sensitivity. Self-reliant. J:. Trendy, follows latest developments, adaptable to new ide

Alphabet Meanings

  Your name reveals your personality and can reveal much more information about you than you might  actually think. In fact, your name has the power to affect your destiny. Every alphabet has got its own  meaning and a numerical value.  Check out what alphabets in your name has to say about you. A:. This letter denotes leadership qualities, strong willpower. A desire to climb up the ladder,  ambitious. B:. This letter denotes that one is moody, emotional. A good follower and cooperative person. C:. Shows intellectual abilities are very energetic and active. D:. Shows tolerance and patience, a great attachment to material things. E:. Shows more energy and excitement, are effective in communication. F:. Sometimes stubborn, enjoy simple homely life, responsible. G:. A clever analyst, loves meditation and introspection. Intuitive. H:. A kind-hearted, but firm and balanced. I:. Shows psychic powers and sensitivity. Self-reliant. J:. Trendy, follows latest developments, adaptable to new idea